Sunday, July 26, 2020

Charles E. Curran, Catholic Moral Theology in the United States: A History.


- Well written, comprehensive and authoritative survey of moral theology trends in the US and all the theologians who have made an impact on developments over the last sixty or so years. The US is the epicentre of contemporary moral theology at present, given its wide network of Catholic universities.

- Curran himself was a key player over this period and is highly regarded as a progressive voice. As to be expected the Vatican disallowed him in 1986 from teaching theology at any Catholic institution. He is currently 86 years old.                     

- The bibliography Curran provides at the end of the book is extensive. It’s a rich resource to guide further reading. 

- No analysis or opinions on gay marriage, which is disappointing. But the book was published in 2011, which preceded the US Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage, and the Irish and Australian referendums which saw a considerable majority of the populations vote in favour of it. 

- Here's my personal view:

- The current official position of the  Catholic Church on homosexuality/gay marriage simply has to be seriously reformed. To continue, in this day and age, to believe homosexuality is an 'ontological disorder' is profoundly ignorant and disrespectful. 

- LGBTIQ+ persons must be treasured and celebrated as an integral part of the rich spectrum of human nature and gender. 

- Gay marriages must also be celebrated, just as male/female marriages are, in the liturgy. With equal status. 

- Marriages are a covenant of love and commitment between two human persons, witnessed by the faithful. In Catholic tradition, a sacrament.

- Such sacred unions potentially create families as nurturing homes for children, whether by pregnancy, including artificial insemination, or adoption.

- The Church should also welcome the LGBTIQ+ community into the ministry, as ordained priests and religious. 

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