Monday, June 17, 2024

Joelle Gergis, QE: Highway To Hell.


- It would be hard to get a better summary of our current climate change challenges than this extraordinarily good Quarterly Essay by award-winning climate scientist Joelle Gergis. She served as a lead author for the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report.  

- It is a passionate, detailed and very clearly written dissection of how Australia is responding to the enormous challenges the world faces, not only in the decades ahead, but right now. 

- No prizes for guessing how we're doing. We're unbelievably complacent and our governments, including the current Labor one, pathetic. We're simply not rising to the occasion. We're totally locked into protecting the fossil fuel lobby. Sucking their arse, over and over again. 

- As I will explain, there is a 90% chance that the continuation of current climate policies will result in 2.3 to 4.5 degrees of global warming by the end of the century, with the best estimate of 3.5 degrees. This represents a catastrophic overshooting of the Paris Agreement targets, highlighting just how far off track we really are. 

- As a grandfather of five young kids I am personally furious at the intergenerational war we're visiting upon them. There is so much we need to do, but it takes commitment and courage, and we don't have it. It's a moral outrage.

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